Liberty Forum of Silicon Valley

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Brent Hamachek - June 2024

Let's Talk: What Happened to the American Capacity for Civil Discourse?

Tuesday, June 11, 2024 | 7:00 pm PDT

Brent Hamachek

Returning for his third visit, Liberty Forum favorite, Brent Hamachek will draw from his new book, Dissidently Speaking: Change the Words. Change the War. Brent unpacks how we became so divided and reactionary and offers some fresh ways to view what is going on in America’s break rooms and living rooms today. A thoughtful and so needed discussion on how we can restore civil and productive conversations by creating a revival in critical thinking and skepticism amongst Americans.

With the future of individual freedom hanging in the balance according to Hamachek, this “call to reality” offers valuable guidance to more effectively engage with those whom we disagree.

Given the current trajectory and the ravages of collectivism sweeping the nation, this was among the most impactful meeting to date!

Brent had a very positive experience as well as you can read here.


Brent Hamachek, author of an Amazon "Top New Release," Dissidently Speaking:  Change the Words.  Change the War, is the VP & Associate Publisher for Human Events Media Group. He is the author of numerous books and essays, including collaborating with Charlie Kirk on his first book, Time for a Turning Point and co-authoring, Zelenkowith the late Dr. Vladimir Zelenko. He has been a featured speaker for the Liberty Forum of Silicon Valley and the Intercollegiate Studies Institute. He also spoke at a United Nations Conference in 2018. In addition, Hamachek has had his own successful business consulting practice since 2000 and has worked on approximately 200 client engagements.